Here are our top tips to presenters to consider when submitting shows to internet radio stations.
- FILE SIZE - Make sure the file size is set to the station kilobits per second output, we transmit at 128kbps which is the most common format. We get shows submitted in 320Kbps which are larger, take much longer to download and are sometimes too large for our Cloud Server. We then have to reformat to 128Kbps anyway. It's a pain for the station as well so watch out. Try out the free
Media Human Audio Converter to keep things sweet. - VOLUME LEVELS - Quite often, even the most proficient broadcasters appear to slip up with their levels. Music and voice being very inconsistent. This shows up more when listening at reduced volumes. Our best tip is to set the microphone slightly above the music levels. Make sure your music is all of similar volume, we suggest using a free software tool called MP3Gain to set all your music to the same level.
- FILE NAMING - Make sure your file naming is also consistent as some cloud systems rely on this to set your shows up correctly. A good guide can be found here: Shier Rzow website